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- A Guide to Online Dating
E-book intended to make finding love online comfortable, safe, and successful. Available to download for a fee.
- Busted You Online
Information about the problem of online infidelity, including articles about cyberaffairs and the damage they cause and links to other sites that can help heal marriages suffering from cybercheating.
- Cyber Affairs In Anytown, USA
Slide presentation by Marlene M. Maheu, Ph. D. Topics include social phenomenon, cyber-sexual affairs and infidelity, uses and abuses, dangers, self-help , online communities and legal and ethical issues.
- Cyberdating Home Page
Advice and tips on safe internet dating, a pen pal page, personal stories and experiences, a chat room and free dating services.
- Dare To Care in Cyber Relationships
Pros/cons of meeting through the internet. Warnings and advice, chatrooms, personal ads, email greetings, love horoscopes, games to share and jokes for a chuckle.
- Have You Found Someone
Create a profile and change society's misconceptions about dating/mating online, while also helping someone else find a 'healthy' cyberrelationship.
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